There’s a quote about life that I love – life is a balance between holding on and letting go (Rumi, I think).
Sometimes I crave an easy life. It can all get too much and I just want simplicity and breeziness. I mean, wouldn’t it be amazing if everything was perfect all the time? No hardship, no sadness, no strife – just plain sailing and not having to work for anything.
But, would that be boring? Would we appreciate everything we have? Would we feel whole? Deserving? Fulfilled?
My feelings on this, and through personal experience, I would say are that when things are tough, although it can be devastating and oppressing at the time, it can make all the goodness that more sweeter – and deserved.
There’s something so fulfilling about being in a dark place, or experiencing low times, and coming out onto the other side. Not only does it make you realise how strong you actually are (because the mind can be cruel and play tricks on us, and we always doubt our ability to cope), but you realise highs and lows are all part of the circle of life. You need the lows to appreciate the highs.
And frankly, I think it would probably be boring if things were perfect all the time – as dreamy as it sounds, not having to strive for anything would become tiresome and unfulfilling.
There has to be a balance though, and this is where the quote comes in. Balance of not only knowing when to endure and when to let go, but of realising this is personalised. Your balance point can change constantly, and what you can endure in one moment or what makes you happy in another may differ from day to day. And that’s okay. Heck, that’s normal.
Just know that after the lows, the highs will follow. And man will they be worth it.